Account & Settings

  • Themes

    Clay is available in both light and dark mode and can also be set to toggle between the two automatically depending on your system setting. On Desktop and Web Go to ...

  • Export to CSV

    The first export we're offering is CSV since it’s the most widely supported. You can export your data at any time: Go to Personal Info in the top right, then Setting...

  • Notifications

    Pre-meeting Briefs We’ve crafted a helpful reminder to get you up to speed for your next meeting—including any previous notes and links to all social profiles. Quick N...

  • Customize Home

    The Home view is the space we've created for all the people that are relevant to your day. Depending on your preferences, the view can sometimes feel a bit too full or...

  • Refer a Friend

    If you know someone who would love Clay, let us know! You can add them to an email with us and we’ll send them an invite before anyone else. Go to the Profile Icon i...

  • Delegated Access

    You can add executive assistants, chiefs of staff, or anyone else you’d like to have access to your account. Delegates have full access to your account, including addi...

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