We’re excited to partner up with our friends over at Automattic to bring the power of Gravatar to enhance all your Clay profiles.
Gravatar + Clay
With more than 200 million profiles, Gravatar is a public and open service that lets you customize and control your online profile. Set your avatar, bio, and social links, and your Gravatar profile will show up across the web — and now in Clay.
Clay will now use Gravatar as a first class resource so all your Clay profiles will have the most up to date information about your network.
Automattic has been leading the charge on making the web a better place for humanity and we at Clay share those core values. Gravatar has been powering online profiles for over 2 decades—you can edit your own Gravatar profile here!
✨ Fixes & Improvements
- 🖥️ Displayed current sorting option next to sort menu icon in list views
- 🖥️ Added clickable reconnect cadence badge on contact profiles
- 🖥️ Introduced success toast when starring/unstarring contacts
- 🖥️ Highlighted "add a note/reminder/mention" button on contact profiles
- 🖥️ Reorganized action buttons in contact profile headers
- 🖥️ Include a "select all" label in the tooltip for the select-all button
- 🖥️ Update styles on sorting menu toggle display
- 🖥️ Matched "new note" button color with existing inactive notes
- 🖥️ Prevented active note from appearing behind "new note" button